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The Learning Tower


Bake the world a better place

with a Learning Tower in your home.

It's a wonderful tool for both you and your toddler.

If you have a young toddler, you may be considering a toddler learning tower otherwise known as a kids kitchen helper, kitchen tower or Montessori stool.

What is a Learning Tower?

It's a secure platform designed specifically to raise a child to counter top height so they may better engage with the world around them. It gives them the independence to climb up and down like a stool does, but with parameters that keep them safe from falling off.

What are the benefits?

Benefits include independence & confidence. While many families buy one for safety it can open up a lot of other ways to connect. Our kids do need lots of play. But they also need to learn about the real world and the things we do on a daily basis.

 Since a lot of time for many families is in the kitchen, it’s a perfect way to get them involved young. In this case, the work is the play! You don’t have to worry about how to keep your toddler entertained while you prepare meals. They can be right there with you.

Where can you use your tower?

  • The kitchen
  • The bathroom
  • At some dining tables
  • The garage work bench

What is the ideal age for learning tower?

As we know every child is different, but they are  ideal between the ages 16 months- up to 5 years old. Our Learning tower is built so you can easily adjust the height for different ages.  But you can start earlier, any strong stander will be safe in the Learning Tower (with close adult supervision of course).

Out of our whole collection of children’s furniture we design at Real Play Kids the Learning tower is seriously our most used and practical piece we have.  And the best part is it encourages your child’s independence. Ultimately, our job as parents is to help our kids grow into fully functioning adults. They need the confidence to practice the skills they need, and to know that even if they don’t do something perfect the first time, it’s okay.

Although the task may take longer or need a little extra supervision the outcome outweighs the mess.

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