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Honey Bee Sensory Play


Honey Sensory play

I love this set-up not only because it taste-safe and some of it’s edible, it's great for your child’s motor skills.

What you’ll need:

-honeycomb cereal

-black beans

-bee figurines

-eye dropper

-yellow food coloring

-cups or jars

         -beehive ice trays

Teaching kids about bees and the role that they plan in our world is important, so that they can make decisions that will ensure that we will have a thriving bee population in the future.

The more that we can teach kids about nature, animals and even insects, the better.

I’ve been using cereal in my sensory tables for a couple years now for a safe “filler” for mixed aged groups. I found it was easy for me to snag beans, rice, cereal etc. while shopping at the grocery store.

Of course, my kids were first really excited that I was actually giving them a sugary treat to play with, but after a few tastes they were ready to dig in and learn.

I started off by talking to them about what they already knew about bees – which turned out to be quite a lot!

I also love pairing our sensory bins with some great books. I usually find them at the library but will attach amazon links so if you do make it to the library often you can order them easily through my link.

The sensory bin keeps the kids busy while I read to them. And the kids can explore the things that they see in the books while playing with the sensory bin. Win win!
The Honeybee By: Kristen Hall

-Beehive by Petra Bartikova & Martin Sojdr                -Explore my world: Honey Bees By: Jill Esbaum

Overall, we spent almost an hour exploring this easy to set up sensory, and we could easily get several more hours over the week. If you’re worried about your kids sneaking in too many samples of the cereal, make sure that you present this sensory tray after they’ve had a filling snack. You can use the leftover honeycomb cereal to make your own beehive art – either gluing the honeycombs onto card stock or using them to make prints – or string to make a necklace. The cereal tends to go stale after the first day anyways, so you won’t have to worry about an overload of sugar cereal.

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