Apple Pie Sensory Play



 apple pie sensory bin
for kids

The sweet smell of apple pie can cheer up anyone’s day

How to make an Apple Pie sensory bin for imaginative play.

 This apple pie sensory bin is a perfect fall-inspired sensory bin for toddlers and preschoolers that love to create!

This simple and sweet apple pie sensory bin provides a yummy smell without the need for baking. Bonus: this is an edible and taste-safe sensory bin, so no worries for little ones that still like to put things in their mouths.

Sensory bins are a wonderful activity that promotes independent play, imaginative play, math skills such as counting, and hands-on fun for all five senses. This was our first time doing this set-up and it was an A-peel-ing set-up; great for ages 2-5, or when the child begins to play pretend.

When I created my version of apple pie sensory play, I found most of the supplies already in our crafts and cupboards, and of course, I used our Sensory Table

What you’ll need:

Pie Crust:

  1. Start by tracing the bottom of the pie pan on felt and cut out and place it in the bottom of the pie pan for the bottom crust.
  2. Using pinking shears cut five to six 1-inch strips for the pie lacing. You could also use regular scissors, but I like the pattern the pinking shears make for the pie!

Building your apple pie bin:

  1. Open your sensory table and pour your oats on one side. (I used around 4-5cups)
  2. Then place your tin pie pans on top of your oats.
  3.  Using the other side add measuring cups, spoons, and tongs to provide tools for you,r little baker.
  4. Finish off the apple pie bin with your red & green pom poms, cinnamon sticks, and cinnamon shaker.

Reminder:  The idea is to let children use their imagination, there is no right or wrong way to play.  All of this is learning through play and learning using fine motor skills.

This went on for a couple of days at our house. Our play kitchen is near our sensory table so my girls ended up pretending to bake the pies and make-believe eating them. Also, when the time came to clean up I tossed the oats. But I stored all of the pom poms, felt pie, pans, & tools in a storage box, and labeled it, so we can pull them out again in the future.

While this sensory bin can get messy at times the outcome outweighs the mess.

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